Thursday, 27 December 2018

Friday, 21 December 2018

A2.1 - Key to Revise and Check Units 3 & 4

For the key to the Revise & Check Units 3 and 4 please click here.

Key to Page 35 - Can you understand this text?

2. works
3. earns
4. travels
5. drives
6. thinks
8. knows
9. drinks
10. eats
11. has
12. has
13. speaks

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

A2.1 - B2.2 American Cookies - Recipe


125g butter
110g white sugar
110g brown sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 egg
260g self-raising flour
1/2 tsp salt
150g chocolate chips

Place butter, sugars and vanilla in TM bowl.  Cream together for 1 minute on speed 3-4.  With TM still running, add egg through hole in lid and continue mixing on speed 3-4 for 30 seconds. Add flour and salt, knead on interval speed for 30 seconds. Add chocolate chips, stir through with spatula. Drop teaspoonfuls of mixture on trays, leaving room for spreading.  Bake in moderate oven (180 degrees) for 10-12 minutes. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

B2.2 - Sport

Click here for a list of vocabulary related to sport

B2.2 - A2.1 Video EOI San Blas



1. Podrán participar todos los alumnos matriculados en nuestra EOI (presencial y  distancia)

Los alumnos del Nivel A participan con acrósticos.
Los alumnos de los Niveles B y C participan con Microrrelatos.

2. El tema elegido es “Anécdotas navideñas”. 

3. Los relatos, escritos en alemán, francés o inglés, serán originales e inéditos, con una extensión máxima de 50 palabras. Las contracciones cuentan como una palabra, y el título no cuenta. 

4. Los textos se enviarán a indicando en el asunto del correo-e: idioma, curso y nombre del autor. El relato se enviará en el cuerpo del mensaje, no en un adjunto. 

5. Plazo de presentación: del 26 de noviembre al 11 de diciembre. 

6. Se otorgará un premio por cada categoría e idioma. El jurado estará formado por profesores del departamento correspondiente. 

7. Los relatos ganadores serán leídos tras la entrega de premios, el día 20 de diciembre durante la fiesta navideña. En caso de no poder acudir se podrá delegar en otra persona. 

8. Todos los relatos se publicarán en la revista virtual de la EOI San Blas, 

9. La participación en este concurso conlleva el consentimiento implícito para dicha publicación. 

Monday, 19 November 2018

B2.2 - Pruebas de Certificación


COMPRENSIÓN ORAL - 40' - 3 tasks
EXPRESIÓN ESCRITA - 50' - 1 task - 200-220 words
MEDIACIÓN - 40' - 1 task - 170-190 words
EXPRESIÓN ORAL - 20 ' - 2 tasks - Monologue - 4-5' Dialogue - 6-7'

A2.1 - Vocabulary - Jobs

For a list of jobs, please click here

Thursday, 15 November 2018

B2.2 - Song - Dreams

Here you have both videos for the song Dreams. Enjoy!

Sunday, 28 October 2018

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

B2 - Readers for the summer

Enjoy these summer readers I recommend, or any other books adapted to pre-intermediate or intermediate level.

To prepare for next year:

The Moonstone, Wilkie Collins, Dominoes Level Three, Oxford University Press (NOT the original novel)

To revise this year:

The Turn of the Screw, Henry James, Dominoes Level Two, Oxford University Press (NOT the original novel)

And to practise your listening and speaking skills,

Enjoy the summer!

Friday, 1 June 2018

I2 - Information final exam June 2018

Written Part
8th June

15:45 Comprensión de Lectura
16:55 Comprensión Oral
17:45 Expresión Escrita (75 minutos)

Grupo MJ 16:00 A5
grupo MJ 18:30 A3

Oral Exam
12th and 13th June
16:00 A11 and A1

Monday, 28 May 2018

B2 - I2 Información importante

  • Las puntuaciones menores de 15 no se guardan para la convocatoria de junio. No se guardan notas de 13 o 14 puntos.
  • Si se ha obtenido la calificación total de Apto en mayo, ya no es posible presentarse en junio.
  • Si un alumno se presenta a una destreza menor de 15 en junio y a otra no, ésta figurará cómo No Presentado y por lo tanto, tendrá No Apto en la calificación total de junio.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

B2 - Information Final Exam June 2018

Written Part
4th June

15:45 Comprensión de Lectura
16:50 Comprensión Oral
17:40 Expresión Escrita (60 minutos)

Grupo LX 16:30 A5
grupo LX 19:00 A1

Oral Exam
11th June
16:30 A3

Friday, 18 May 2018

B2 - The results are out!

APTO = Alumno con certificado A2. Se puede matricular de B1.

NO APTO - B1 = Alumno sin certificado A2. Se puede matricular de B1. Puede repetir en junio las destrezas por debajo de 15.

NO APTO = Alumno sin certificado. Se puede matricular de A2. Puede repetir en junio las destrezas por debajo de 15.

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

I2 - Information Final Exam

18th May 2018
15:45 h

MJ 16:00 in Room A4
MJ 18:30 in Room A3


23rd May 2018 Group MJ 16:00 Room B13
24th May 2018 Group MJ 18:30 Room A4
Starting at 16,00

I2 - Listening Comp. File 9

Wedding Planner
Wedding Customs

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

I2 - The Perfect Plank

When you are short on time but want to fit some quality strength moves into your fitness routine, planks are an excellent option and one of the best ways to build strength and stability in your core. One of the most important things to be mindful of when performing planks is correct form, as doing the exercise incorrectly not only won't improve your strength, but it can also eventually lead to discomfort and potential injuries. 
"People generally start to feel discomfort in their shoulders, which may indicate that their elbows are not directly beneath them and they have not engaged their core, leading to the shoulders taking a lot more strain then they need to," said Victoria Webster, a certified personal trainer at Suite Time Fitness in Houston. "Another thing to look out for is low back discomfort. This is a sign that your core is collapsing and your back is sagging down."
There are many variations on plank exercises, but one of the most basic is the forearm plank. Follow these steps to ensure you are performing the exercise correctly:
  • Find a space in front of a mirror so you can check your form.
  • Lie on your stomach, bring your elbows directly under your shoulders, and flip your toes under your feet
  • Exhale and lift your body off the ground. Your body should be in one straight line with a flat back, your butt down and your core engaged. 
  • Actively draw your belly button up into your spine. Your hands can be grasped in a "prayer" position or parallel to each other.
  • Check yourself out in the mirror and lift your midsection back into that strong, straight line you had initially
Don't get too preoccupied with how long you can hold a plank, either. "There is no reason, ever, to hold a plank for five minutes. One or two minutes are good goals to work up to; anything more than that and you'll likely begin to lose form," Webster said. "Personally, I like to do several sets of 90- to 120-second planks, alternating with a low back exercise, for balance." 
Finally, don't forget to breathe. "As a trainer, I find that when people are doing exercises that are difficult, and especially if they're being timed, they hold their breath. Nice, slow, controlled breathing will help you through the exercise," Webster said.
Soiurce: Popsugar Fitness